Take Care of Your Treasures


Do you want free advice about caring for a treasured heirloom, such as a quilt, a china bowl or a family photo? If so, bring your item to Conservation Assistance Day at the Western Office of Archives and History on 176 Riceville Road in Asheville. Conservators from the N.C. Museum of History and an archivist from the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources Western Regional Archives will give you expert advice on Friday, July 18, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. You are invited to bring up to three objects for assessment. An appointment is required, so please call Lorraine at 828-296-7230, ext. 221, to reserve your time slot.

Conservation Assistance Day is organized by the N.C. Museum of History and the Western Office of Archives and History. For information about the N.C. Museum of History, a Smithsonian-affiliated museum, in Raleigh, call 919-807-7900 or access www.ncmuseumofhistory.org or follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ or YouTube.

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About Sasha Mitchell

I am a family and community historian, professional organizer, heirloom seamstress, mom of three sons, foster mom, and all-around digital whiz and helpful person. :) In my day job, I am the Operations Manager for Dogwood Alliance, protecting Southern forests and communities from the harms of industrial logging.

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