Ethical Society of Asheville

Ethical Society of Asheville
Ethical Society of Asheville

The Ethical Society of Asheville is a humanist, non-theistic alternative to traditional religion and a member organization of the American Ethical Union. The American Ethical Union is affiliated with the American Humanist Association, the International Humanist and Ethical Union, and the Secular Coalition of America. Our meeting topics are educational, philosophical and of current interest. We are inspired by the ideal that the supreme aim of human life is working to create a more humane society. We endeavor to nurture the capacity and responsibility of human beings to act in their personal relationships and in the larger community to help create a better world. Our commitment is to the worth and dignity of the individual and to treating each human being so as to bring out the best in him or her. We join together to assist each other in developing ethical ideas and ideals, to celebrate life’s joys and support each other through life’s crises, and to cultivate ethical behavior in the community around him or her.
Our regular meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Check here for locations:

On 1st Sundays the meeting is a Colloquy. Information about the origin and process of Colloquy appear in the “Pages” section of this site. Third Sunday platform meetings have a topic presented by a speaker which is  followed by a discussion period.  Aninformal discussion/social time follows platform meetings.
(828) 687-7759